Baby Under The Mistletoe

Baby Under The Mistletoe

Author:Jamie Sobrato [Sobrato Jamie]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: love_contemporary


SOLEIL HAD NEVER GAZED longingly at other people’s babies, wishing for one of her own. She liked babies well enough, enjoyed holding them, thought they were cute and all. But ached for one?

Not at all.

So when she saw her own child’s ultrasound image, looking so much more like a real baby than it had at twelve weeks, she was surprised at the overwhelming ache, coming from somewhere so deep down she couldn’t begin to pinpoint its origin.

Even after they’d left the doctor’s office, she could still feel its grip on her, almost choking in its intensity.

West, for his part, looked shell-shocked yet again. She wondered if he was feeling as freaked out as she was, but she wasn’t ready to talk about it.

That look on his face during the ultrasound-it had spoken volumes. She’d seen in his eyes the same wonder she’d been feeling, and she’d understood in that moment that the baby was as big a deal for him as it was for her.

Of course, he didn’t have to watch his body taken over by it, and his life wouldn’t change in the same ways hers would, but he was, no doubt, profoundly affected.

Remorse like she’d never felt before crept up on her as they walked across the parking lot. What had she done? What on earth had she been thinking, not telling him about the pregnancy from the start? Now things were such a tangled mess. They had so far to go, so much to sort out before they could begin to see the way toward a resolution.

But what if…


The hope she’d felt while looking at their baby’s image minutes ago dared a resurgence. West was here. And she was here. They were two caring adults. Somehow, they could make this work, couldn’t they?

Back in the car, she dug around in her purse for more crackers and found instead a voice-mail notice on her cell phone. Grateful for the distraction, she checked the message.

It was her mom, saying that she’d decided to come to stay for the holidays, that she’d be arriving tomorrow.


“Oh, God,” Soleil muttered into the phone as West settled in the driver’s seat.

“What’s wrong?”

She deleted the message and put her phone away. “It’s my mother. She’s coming for the holidays.”

“You weren’t expecting her?”

“I usually visit her. That way I can see my friends in the Bay Area and leave before my mom starts driving me insane.”

“But this year you’re staying home?”


Because of you, Soleil thought to herself.


Where had that come from?

But it was true.

She hadn’t planned on it. She hadn’t given much thought to the reasons she didn’t feel like going to her mom’s house. She’d known West was part of it, but she hadn’t realized he was the main reason she wasn’t leaving town. There was the issue of the baby, too, of her mom not knowing yet, but mostly, staying home was about West.

And of course her mother had gotten her e-mail and taken it as a hint to come to Soleil instead.


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